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The Awful German Language - Mark Twain quote - I heard a Californian student in Heidelberg say, in one of his calmest moods, that he would rather decline two drinks than one German adjective.

Mark Twain – The Awful German Language

The Awful German Language is an essay by the American author Mark Twain in which he humorously outlines the complexity of the language and the difficulties he encountered while learning it. It is a must-read book for students of the often baffling German language. Twain, most famous for his Huckleberry Finn stories, travelled extensively through […]

Frame from the Train Etiquette GIF from Vincent Kunert of LOLNEIN

Train Etiquette – The Berlin GIFs Edition

One of the major arse-aches of train travel anywhere in the world is the inability of some people to grasp the basics of train etiquette. Almost every train journey involves some form of idiocy, lack of common sense or plain rudeness. I have lots of bugbears when it comes to train etiquette – feet on […]


Berlin Maps: S- & U-Bahn Walking Map by Kristin Baumann

It won’t comes as a surprise to regular readers that I have a thing about maps and that I love nothing more than walking around Berlin. So imagine my excitement when I first saw Kristin Baumann’s S- & U-Bahn Walking Map, which shows the walking time between stations on Berlin’s public transport network. Following the […]


Berlin Wall Homeopathic Remedy (Murus Berlinensis)

People who are unused to medical treatment in Germany are often shocked when the doctor prescribes nothing stronger than tea for a cold or even asthma but just imagine you were told to drink the Berlin Wall homeopathic remedy. There are practitioners of homeopathic medicine who believe that drinking a solution made with the crushed […]


Berlin Police Twitter Marathon 2016

Last weekend was the Berlin Police Twitter Marathon 2016 – for 24 hours the police live tweeted the situations that they were called to in German and English, starting Friday evening, with hilarious consequences. In a city where ACAB graffiti is scrawled across countless walls, this was as much about generating some good PR as […]


German Bureaucracy – Life in Slow Motion

Anyone who has had to deal with German bureaucracy will know that sinking feeling you get when you encounter officialdom of any nature here. German Bureaucracy – The Bürgeramt Living in Germany means dealing with the Bürgeramt. There is a special kind of dread reserved for an Anmeldung (registration) appointment (if you’re lucky enough to […]


BVG Free Wi-Fi Trial at U-Bahnhof Osloer Straße

The BVG, which is responsible for running the U-Bahn, trams and ferries in Berlin, is currently trialling a free Wi-Fi service at U-Bahnhof Osloer Straße. The 3-month trial has been running since the beginning of August and is due to complete in a couple of days at the end of October. The underground station at […]


Lego Berghain

Following hot on the heels of the Birdhain, Just Berghain Things on Facebook has posted a photo of a Lego Berghain / Panorama Bar – the perfect gift for the Techno toddler. // via Mitvergnuegen //


That Berlin Underground Look

Last week’s re-release of the Tarnbeutel got me wondering how many other designers have been inspired by the pattern of the seats in the Berlin U-Bahn and what products they have come up with. So here’s the pick of the bunch that I managed to find, clockwise from top left: UBAHN t-shirt by Wurstbande, 15€. […]