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That Berlin Underground Look

That Berlin Underground Look Collage - various products that use the Berlin U-Bahn seat pattern

Last week’s re-release of the Tarnbeutel got me wondering how many other designers have been inspired by the pattern of the seats in the Berlin U-Bahn and what products they have come up with.

So here’s the pick of the bunch that I managed to find, clockwise from top left:

UBAHN t-shirt by Wurstbande, 15€.

Laptop Skin by Kristian Goddard on Society 6, $30.

ZX Flux Trainers by Adidas, price unknown.

Berlin Subway Camo t-shirt by Peter Bihr, $38.

U-Bahn Reversible Hat by The Causual Connoisseur and Berlin Groundet, no longer available.

BVG U-Bahn Map Leggings - Berlin Connections Leggings from Nebelkind

Berlin Connections Leggings from Nebelkind

If you love the Berlin transport system but the U-Bahn seat pattern is a bit too trippy and colourful for you, how about these?  Berlin Connections Leggings by Nebelkind, 39€

Menja Stevenson Bus Seat Pattern Dress

Menja Stevenson Bus Seat Pattern Dress

And it’s not just Berlin’s public transport system that has inspired designers – check out this dress from Menja Stevenson made from the seat material of the Stuttgart bus network.


One Response to That Berlin Underground Look

  1. ebe 29 May, 2015 at 12:55 #

    So trippy. LOVE

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