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Sunday Documentary: Berlin (by Matt Frei for BBC)

A close up of the Quadriga on the Brandenburg Gate (screenshot from BBC Documentary Berlin by Matt Frei)

Photo: Still from the BBC Documentary ‘Berlin’

The documentary, Berlin, produced for the BBC by Matt Frei, a German-born journalist, charts the development of the city and examines the forces that shaped its people.

It was this documentary that introduced me to Teufelsberg and the Schwerbelastungkörper and made me determined to learn more about Berlin’s history and to seek out the unusual landmarks that make it such a unique place.

Originally shown in three parts: Dangerous Ideas; Ruined Visions; and Ich Bin Ein Berliner; that were each televised in two parts, the programme has been uploaded to YouTube in 12 parts (the 15 in the captions includes instalments from another BBC documentary.

Berlin (by Matt Frei for BBC)


I have embedded Part 1 and here are the links for Parts 2 – 12.

Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6Part 7Part 8Part 9; Part 10; Part 11Part 12.

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2 Responses to Sunday Documentary: Berlin (by Matt Frei for BBC)

  1. fotoeins 17 December, 2012 at 15:20 #

    Sweet as, D! Thanks!


  1. Teufelsberg (The Devil's Mountain) - andBerlin - 30 June, 2016

    […] about the Cold War listening post on Teufelsberg (German for Devil’s Mountain) was watching the BBC ‘Berlin’ documentary by Matt Frei.  Standing in the tower below one of the listening domes, with the canvas sheeting flapping about […]

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