One Night in Berlin – Michael Mackrodt is a short film by Robin Pailler for Desillusion Magazine that follows the German pro skater as he goes underground to escape the cold of a Berlin winter.
Mackrodt first heads down into the S-Bahnhof at Potsdamer Platz and then skates around the passage between the station and the Potsdamer Arcaden shopping centre.
He later hops in a car and heads across town to the underpass between the ICC (Internationales Congress Centrum) and the ZOB (Zentraler Omnibusbahnhof Berlin – Berlin’s central bus station). Here he skates among the pillars against a backdrop of bright orange tiles that has featured in numerous Hollywood films including Hanna and Unknown Identity.
You can see more from Michael Mackrodt in Berlin in Visualtravelling East Meets West Berlin.
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