Exploring the concept of urban gardening in Berlin, the documentary film, Speaking Gardens by Teresa Beck and René Reichelt shows the different ways Berliners are finding to use or create green spaces in the city.
Speaking Gardens introduces six different urban gardening projects across Berlin:
- Wuhlegarten: Interkultureller Garten Berlin Köpenick – an intercultural community gardening project across the Wuhle river from FC Union’s Alte Försterei stadium.
- Gemeinschaftsgarten Allmende-Kontor – A community garden on the disused airport at Tempelhofer Feld.
- Obstbaüme im Görli – an initiative planting fruit trees in Görlizer Park.
- Interkultureller Garten Lichtenberg – a gardening project supported by the housing association HOWOGE.
- Himmelbeet – A garden on the roof of the parking garage of the REAL supermarket in the Schiller Park Center in Wedding. Filmed during the planning stages, the garden opened in June 2013.
- Prinzessingärten – Featured before on andBerlin, this is arguably Berlin’s most well-known community garden at Moritzplatz in Kreuzberg.
In conversation with participants in each of the featured projects, diversity is a word that comes up often. As do the benefits for children of growing up in an environment where they see their food being grown, which in turn feeds into a desire amongst people to know where their food comes from and favouring local produce.
In German with English subtitles, Speaking Gardens, is an educational and absorbing documentary that successfully conveys the multiculturalism and community feel of urban gardening projects in Berlin.
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