I’m beginning to wonder if my love of Currywurst is turning into a ‘Currywurst problem’. Friends have started recommending Imbisse (snack restaurants) to me to help me in my hunt for ‘The Best of the Wurst‘. Not that I’m complaining though because it was through a recommendation that I discovered Zur Bratpfanne in Berlin’s Steglitz.
I enjoyed my first meal there so much that I had to go back a few days later with my camera.
Zur Bratpfanne is on the corner of Schloßstraße and Kieler Strasse, a short walk from the S-Bahn at Rathaus Steglitz and between the U-Bahn stations there and at Schloßstraße. This means it’s very convenient for the newly opened Primark at the Schloss-Straßen-Center, which judging by the number of bags I’ve seen on the S and U-Bahn lately is already establishing itself as a go to for Berliners.
Zur Bratpfanne offers Bratwurst mit or ohne Darm (with or without skin) for €1.65 and pommes (chips) in small, medium and large for €1.35, €1.80 and €2.40 respectively.
I was immediately impressed by the quality of the sausage, the crispy/fluffiness of the chips and the flavour and texture of the sauce.
And that sauce is the star of the show.
More of a tomatoey curry sauce than a ketchup, it doesn’t suffer from the sweetness issues of Curry 61 and Konnopke’s.
And it just has something (that I can’t put my finger on) that elevates it above Curry 36 and Curry 66.
In summary, for me, zur Bratpfanne is the best Currywurst in Berlin (so far). It’s just a pity that you have to go so far from the centre of the city to get it. But the best things in life are worth putting a little extra effort in to get.
***Update*** – zur Bratpfanne has now been displaced by Curry Baude as the best Currywurst in Berlin.
Curry 36 has been my favorite so far, so I am really curious to know what that special something is that elevates zur Bratpfanne over Curry 36.
Are you sure it’s in the sauce?
Or maybe in the sausage?
Or maybe in the fries (um, “chips,” I mean)?
If you figure it out, please make sure to post a follow-up — I am always on the lookout for
1. the best Currywurst
2. new stuff to try in Berlin while visiting there (like next month…)
It’s definitely in the sauce. Will let you know if I figure it out.
You´ve convinced me. It´s time to go to Steglitz:)
Was it Currywurst or Primark that persuaded you?
duly noted. 🙂
Here´s a little gift for you as Berlin fan – it includes a little currywurst as well:)
Looks like someone is going to have to take a trip down to Steglitz…
Agreed! I live in Steglitz and it’s the BEST currywurst in all of Berlin. The rest can’t hang with it.
I would think that living in Steglitz makes you biased but I agree that it’s the best. Strangely though, I had my least favourite Currywurst in Steglitz too, at Krasselt’s.
“Best of the Wurst” – love it. XD