Bite Club is a fortnightly summer street food event at a location next to the Spree near Badeschiff that includes the Hoppetosse, a former pleasure boat named after the boat in the Pippi Longstocking (Pippi Langstrumpf) stories.
Street food has revolutionised and galvanised the Berlin food scene and recognising this new market Tommy Tannock and Miranda Zahediah started Bite Club in August 2013.
As they say on their website:
Berlin is defined by its freewheeling nature and it’s this sense of fun that’s at the core of Bite Club – a space to enjoy treat foods from local traders and partake of convivial evening drinks.
The outdoor location means that Bite Club is essentially a summer event but there have been spin-off appearances at various events throughout the year.
My top pick from a recent visit was the Naanwich from Chai Wallahs – a hand made Naan bread filled with 12-hour Pork Belly.
I would reserve a special mention for the Jerk Chicken form Jerk My Day and the Cheeseburger with Bacon form Bunsmobile.
As is the case with Street Food Thursday, The Breakfast Market and Street Food Auf Achse, having such a wide range of stalls selling several small dishes makes this the ideal location for larger groups to get together and eat.
So if you’re in the mood for street food washed down with drinks from the Singleton Whisky Bar, Bite Club is on every other Friday until 18 September at its Spreeside location.
[…] Berlin have had an alternative to schlepping across town to Kreuzberg (for Street Food Thursday or Bite Club) – every Sunday (from June to October) the Kulturbrauerei in Prenzlauer Berg hosts Street Food […]