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AliCé – Back in Berlin

Peek-a-Boo - Street Art by AliCé in Berlin

The insanely talented AliCé (Alice Pasquini), an andBerlin favourite, has been back in Berlin brightening the streets with her beautiful Street Art.

Knowing AliCé flew in last Thursday and spent the weekend painting in the city I had to get out and about and see what she has been up to.

I didn’t manage to find all the pieces that she has posted on her Facebook page and Flickr stream so far but what I did see was all well placed and well executed.

Daydreaming - Street Art by AliCé in Berlin

Dog - Street Art by AliCé in Berlin

Coffee on a Cold Day - Street Art by AliCé in Berlin

Beautiful Isolation - Street Art by AliCé (Alice Pasquini) in Berlin

Girl in a Coffee Cup - Street Art by AliCé in Berlin

Whiskers - Street Art by AliCé in Berlin

Unfortunately, this piece, one of the sweetest of the latest additions to Berlin’s streets (as you can see here) has already been defaced by some idiot – some people just don’t want to see beauty in their surroundings.

Couple Kissing - (Defaced) Street Art by AliCé in Berlin

If you’d like to own some artwork contact:

To see my photos from AliCé’s last visit to Berlin check out my AliCé in Wunderstadt post.

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7 Responses to AliCé – Back in Berlin

  1. urbantraveltales 19 December, 2012 at 18:32 #

    Thanks for your photos! Indeed, some do not appreciate ‘street art’.I have shared this particular photo from Alice’s facebook wall few days ago with my note ‘make love not war might come back’. The destruction of the particular photo reinforces the initial message of the artist, if we want to be optimistic! Don’t you think?

  2. John 8 February, 2013 at 00:58 #

    GreAt finds. Could you help me finding the location of the dog piece???

    • andBerlin 12 February, 2013 at 11:32 #

      John, I have sent you an e-mail to let you know where to find the dog.

  3. Kat 5 August, 2013 at 23:01 #

    I have found her pieces in Friedrichshain and on the kreutzberg bridge but that is all…I know there are a couple more in kreutzberg….could you help me find them?


    • andberlin 13 August, 2013 at 18:14 #

      Kat, I have sent you an e-mail with as many locations as I could remember. Happy hunting!


  1. Suspended; muurportretten door Alice Pasquini - | - 2 February, 2014

    […] achter in Friedrichshain. Alice is geen vreemde in Berlijn want ze bezocht de stad eerder in december 2012 en in april 2012, ook toen liet ze mooie vrouwelijke kunstwerken achter in het straatbeeld. […]

  2. Finding AliCé By Accident - andBerlin - 28 July, 2015

    […] As it happens, I managed to find 8 of the 13 pieces she left on Berlin’s streets during her visit before I left, which I posted here. […]

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