The hoardings for an art project, that has occupied the site next to the wall on which they were painted since 2007, covered and preserved these two gems by Blek le Rat.
But now the containers and the billboard have gone and the stencils are once more visible to passersby and ready to be introduced to Berlin society.
For those of you that don’t know Blek Le Rat is a Street Art pioneer, a man without whom Banksy would not exist. He is widely recognised as the Godfather of Street Art.
Inspired by the New York graffiti movement during a trip in 1971 but not wanting to imitate its style Blek developed his own art originally stencilling rats throughout the streets of Paris.
He later moved on to larger scale figures with political messages driving many of his works.
He continues to paint on the streets and exhibit in galleries and his work is as relevant today as it was when he first started.
You can see more of Blek le Rat’s work and find out more about the man behind the stencils on his website and keep up to date with what he’s doing on Facebook and Twitter.
[…] His (predominantly) female (often life-size) figures are evocative of the style of an acknowledged influence, Blek le Rat. […]