You would be forgiven for walking past Muted Horn without giving it a second glance – except for the pink neon sign over the door, there is little indication of the craft beer idyll hidden behind an unassuming brick and glass facade next to a Penny supermarket. Jenia Semenova and Corbin Crnkovic brought their enthusiasm […]
Stone Brewing Berlin – A Craft Beer Colossus
Stone Brewing Berlin, the US craft brewer’s first European outpost, is a brewery, restaurant and beer garden on the site of the former Mariendorf gasworks. The red brick colossus of the 3,200 square metre main hall of Stone Brewing Berlin is home to the brewery, main bar, restaurant, merchandise shop and library bar. The brewery […]
Klunkerkranich – Car Park Turned Rooftop Bar
It’s been a long time coming but if the weather forecast is to be believed we’re on the verge of a genuinely warm and sunny spell in Berlin this week. My tip for soaking up some sun and cold beer is Klunkerkranich, the bar on the rooftop of the car park of the Neukölln Arcaden […]