I was more than a little surprised to hear Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly – Find The Time playing as I walked along the aisles in Kaiser’s the other day.
I guess someone must have picked up on the line ‘Or to move to Kreuzberg and escape into the night’ and decided it would be appropriate, or possibly ironic, for the supermarket shoppers of Prenzlauer Berg.
I remember the album Searching For The Hows And Whys was playing on my iPod frequently on my trip to Berlin in the summer of 2009 when I dreamed of moving here, though not necessarily to Kreuzberg. Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly is an ever-present name in a changing roster of artists/bands on my iPhone and I often play Find The Time now as I wander the streets of the German capital to evoke the spirit of discovery I felt then.
How can one not want to move to Kreuzberg? Doesn´t everyone?;-) Great choice of song. Mind if I reblog it? For obvious reasons:)
Of course you can reblog it. Glad you like it.
Big fan of your blog:-)
Reblogged this on KREUZBERG´D and commented:
I read every new post on that blog but the word Kreuzberg made me prick my ears and push the “Reblog” button el pronto:-)
It´s a good song, too.