Frohes Neues! Happy New Year! Blywddyn Newydd Dda! 2015, just like every new year in Berlin, started with a bang. Berliners love their fireworks on New Year’s Eve (Silvester or Sylvester depending on your preference) and Berlin-based photographer and journalist JUST was out on the streets filming the mayhem.
When I saw a video of the New Year’s Eve celebrations in Neukölln a few years ago I was amazed by the carnage and this year I was a part of it. The friends I celebrated with had brought the appropriately named Boom Booms and plenty of other Böller (bangers) and rockets.
Standing at the bus stop on our way to a NYE party I commented to Steffi that I wouldn’t want to drive a car through the streets with all the fireworks going off around me. Having watched the video that JUST made I kind of wish that I had. Sit back and enjoy a trip along the Karl-Marx-Allee in Friedrichshain, over the Oberbaumbrücke into Kreuzberg and finishing in Neukölln. Experience in the safety of your own home the fireworks of a Berlin Silvester.
New Year’s Eve in BERLIN 1.1.2015 (long Version
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